Case Studies: Corrections
Okeechobee County
Jail and Sheriff’s Office Addition and Renovation
After 13+ years attempting to define and address the sheriff’s office and detention space needs, the Okeechobee County Board of Commissioners embarked on 9-month intensive pre-design and project definition phase to analyze the County’s Justice System and determine 20-year needs, investigate design options, and develop anticipated costs—construction and project costs, lifecycle costs, and staffing & operational budgets. Securitecture developed 5 new construction options and 16 renovation/addition options. For the selected preferred option, Securitecture detailed construction and project costs, plus staffing & operational budgets for 7 different implementation strategies.
A 181,411 s.f. renovation and addition solution added new, larger 224-bed housing pods with 2 classrooms and indoor/outdoor recreation area within the pod replaced existing antiquated, non-compliant housing pods. The capacity of the jail more than doubled from 231 beds to 492 beds without adding any new staff positions. Modular and industrial construction methods/materials were utilized to reduce construction costs and meet local hurricane code wind loads. The County experienced a total savings of more than $13,000,000 on a $1,175,000 investment, solved its 20- to 40-year Corrections and Law Enforcement needs, and ensured future expansion capabilities on the existing downtown site through this Addition and Renovation project.
Okeechobee County Board of Commissioners
Okeechobee, Florida
Project Roles:
Principal in Charge, Architect of Record, Lead Designer and Detention/Security Consultant
Project Team:
Securitecture, LLC; Byce; OCI; BBM; Dobbs; IFD; Ajax
Key Accomplishments:
Solved the County’s 20-40 year Corrections and Law Enforcement needs through a comprehensive Addition and Renovation project.
9 months
181,411 sf