Wilson County, Tennessee

Courts Facility

Over the years, the Wilson County governmental and judicial space needs exceeded the space available at the courthouse which resulted in a decentralizing and occupying three (3) facilities remote from each other. This decentralization created public confusion, staff and prisoner transportation inefficiencies, as well as increased operational cost. The goal of this project was to centralize the judicial system into one (1) multi-story facility and address current and future staff, space, and parking needs.

The Project Team utilized a four (4) phase project approach and methodology:

Project Phases


Step 1: Pre-Project

Organization and coordination of the project effort and obtaining foundational information through the use of questionnaires and data requests, as well as obtaining existing building and site plans.

Step 2: Strategic Planning and Facility Systems Evaluation

Completion of population and future number of courts analytics to understand historical and potential future system trends, as well as completion of staff and space projection modeling. Evaluation of existing space, operations and inventory of the courtrooms.

Step 3: Staff & Space Programming

Defining the ten (10) and twenty (20) year staff, space and parking needs, as well as critical adjacencies.

Step 4: Project Definition

Development Pre-Workshop tools necessary to conduct a workshop. Conducting a workshop with all the users and stakeholders to determine the best means to address current and future staff, space and parking needs. Completion of Postworkshop information including preliminary design graphics, a total project budget, anticipated project schedule and implementation plan, as well as individual meetings to develop the preliminary design plans.


  • Population projections defined an aggressive growth community with the current population of 169,885 growing to 269,998 in fifty (50) years.
  • The current number of eight (8) courts is anticipated to expand to thirteen (13) in fifty (50) years with a space need of 168,806 and a staff projection of 143.
  • The preliminary design defines a three story judicial center of 125,461 square feet with a fourth floor gray box to accommodate four (4) to six (6) future courts and related support spaces and address available funding capabilities.
  • The anticipated total project cost is $70 to $78 million dependent upon selected alternates with an anticipated two (2) year construction schedule.
Wilson County Exterior Renderings

Wilson County Interior Renderings

Wilson County Site Plan