Successes in Architecture, Planning and Consulting
Having been intricately involved with a vast number of corrections, justice, and public safety projects, Securitecture has the background and experience to address your specific facilities design needs and challenges.
We understand the critical issues facing these types of projects. Having worked with local, municipal, county, and state agencies, we also understand the critical issues facing your organization and your community.
At Securitecture, we are proud of having implemented a number of “firsts” in innovative design features and functions. And we are always searching for a better solution for you.
More cost-efficient staffing. Technology for enhanced security and automation. Modular, pre-fabricated construction options. Elevated control room. Award-winning form and function innovations. Consulting and training on design, policies and procedures for criminal justice/public safety facilities. Comprehensive masterplanning for controlled expansion and growth.
And much more.
Case Studies
Jails, Work Release Facilities, Juvenile Detention Centers
As one of the Midwest and Southeast’s leading corrections and security consultants, Securitecture provides comprehensive understanding of the key issues faced by detention centers and jail, as evidenced by the numerous architectural innovations it has developed and implemented.
Securitecture leverages its corrections expertise to address and resolve each client’s most critical problems. These challenges typically include:
- increased demands on intake, processing, and release centers;
- inability to accommodate medical and mental health demands;
- outdated kitchen and laundry facilities; and
- housing needs for ever-increasing classification requirements.
Sensitive to owners’ budget constraints, Securitecture focuses on efficiencies in facilities design, construction and future operational requirements. Masterplanning details immediate solutions for the most pressing programmatic and construction requirements while accommodating for future expansion when growth is necessary. Podular jail design, modularized interior wall panels, modular steel cells, industrialized building envelopes, and other pioneering architectural features keep development time and construction costs down. Elevated control rooms and direct supervision lower ongoing staffing requirements and operational costs while video visitation systems and touchscreen/PLC security automation systems enhance safety, security and control. These original features and more have become the new industry standard in correctional facilities design.
From jails to juvenile detention centers, and from work release facilities to corrections campuses, Securitecture provides innovative, secure solutions designed to meet both short- and long-term community needs.
Case Studies
Courts + County Administration Facilities
Architectural planning and design for criminal and civil court facilities require extensive knowledge of the judicial process. Justice buildings accommodate criminal and civil courtrooms and also provide offices for prosecutors, public defenders, probation, child support, clerks, and others.
Controlled public access areas must be secure and ADA-compliant. In-custody offenders scheduled for court appearances require secure holding areas or connection to secure detainee facilities, including vehicular sallyports for safe transfer—separate from public and employee access areas. Sufficient space is also needed for records storage and long-term archival of information.
Justice facilities design often involves the renovation of historically-significant buildings. Functionality, technology, and security require updating while overcoming space deficiencies in these existing structures. At the same time, the integrity of historic architectural elements such as ceilings, flooring, and wood décor must be restored or replicated throughout. Even new construction may be required to complement existing architectural styles within a historic district or downtown square.
The challenge of keeping an existing justice facility fully operational throughout renovation adds a degree of complexity to all phases of design, planning and construction.
As the lead architect for more than 40 courtrooms throughout the Midwest and Florida with award-winning justice facilities design, Securitecture can provide the guidance needed for your project.
Case Studies
Public Safety
Fire, Police, Security, Communications
Public safety facilities planning and design involve police, fire, and communications centers, and the complex operational requirements necessary for each.
To enhance security, many facility areas are delineated by function. Within police operations, publicly-accessible divisions are separated from patrol and investigations, staff fitness training areas, locker rooms, and the ample space required for evidence processing and storage. Detainee areas, access, and sally port are securely away from staff and the public, and the entire facility is protected by advanced technologies and integrated electronic security systems.
Fire stations are often multi-use facilities, serving the community and as fire department training centers, or as immediate-response stations to address both facility and aircraft needs at an airport. Designed to house state-of-the-art firefighting equipment, these facilities offer sophisticated training features and programs in addition to living accommodations, kitchen and lounge areas.
Within the design of 911 emergency operating centers, advanced monitoring and communications technology ensures 24/7/365 emergency response, while enhanced security and construction protects these facilities from physical attack, tornados, fire, flood, and more.
Staffing projections and future programmatic needs are considered for all of these public safety buildings, allowing for future growth and expansion.
Facilities are designed to fit within a community’s existing public service and administrative campus or to aesthetically blend within residential neighborhoods. Securitecture will obtain the input of public agencies and the community to ensure development of comprehensive design solutions.
Case Studies
Master Planning
Masterplanning, Programming, Strategic Master Plans
A master plans creates a road map for the future that guides expansion and growth over a specific time period. As part of these strategic teams, Securitecture researches and evaluates options, coordinates feasibility studies, and develops multiple recommendations to most effectively address potential needs.
A comprehensive review to determine future programming and facilities needs, evaluation of existing building structures and land for the capacity to support anticipated growth, and establishment of appropriate phases and timing for future expansion are key components of the planning process.
The final strategic document may include land acquisition recommendations, site plans with site and utilities work specifications, construction or renovation needs and timing, program options for expansion flexibility, and detailed description of expansion phases and activities required.
Securitecture has the experience needed to successfully develop and guide your future expansion plans.
Case Studies
Historic Preservation + Adaptive Reuse
Renovation, Revitalization, Reuse for New Services
Conversion of an existing building to new use requires a thorough assessment of needs and desired functionality, followed by the architectural design skills to make it happen. Adaptive reuse can save time, construction, and implementation costs by utilizing conveniently-located existing structures—particularly within developed urban areas—rather than having to construct new facilities.
The experts at Securitecture have successfully converted industrial manufacturing facilities into an arrestee processing center and county jail annex; transformed a middle and high school building into a police, law enforcement, city court, and community center; and adapted other commercial structures into highly-efficient criminal justice and law enforcement centers.
Other renovation challenges have involved maintaining the integrity of historically-significant justice buildings while increasing their functionality and cost-efficiency. Meticulous restoration of architecturally-significant features has been accomplished while updating HVAC, plumbing, lighting and security systems to state-of-the-art technologies. Space-constrained historic structures reconfigure to provide for sufficient office, courtroom, and storage space, and also allow for future expansion and growth. Adjacent buildings have been acquired and adapted to meet the needs for expanded justice facilities. New construction was also designed to complement many of these historic buildings.
The range of experience at Securitecture provides for an optimum solution to meet your facilities needs, whether starting from the ground up or leveraging existing assets.