Tipton County, Indiana
Sheriff’s Office & Corrections Center
Tipton County originally embarked on their Jail project in a traditional Design-Bid-Build approach utilizing an architect and a construction manager-as-agent. After a redesign and twice receiving bids significantly over budget, the county scrapped the entire project and later started over utilizing a Progressive Design-Build Delivery Process. That’s when the PSI/Securitecture team was brought in.
Project Approach
- The PDB team initiated a one-day Programming and Design Charette to reconcile the program, budget, design concept and site utilization.
- Weekly design team meetings of all stakeholder were held for the duration of the design process.
- Through the Integrated Design Process, the design and all construction documents were completed in only 4-1/2 months.
- The design concept allows a single, elevated control room to observe and monitor all dayrooms, cell fronts, classroom, and recreation, plus view the Intake and Booking counter that is only 32 feet away!
- A pre-engineered steel structure and prefabricated steel modular cells were employed as a means of reducing construction costs and construction duration.
- A facility of 35,788 square feet on 13 acres that was constructed in only 12 months.
- 80 beds in 28 2-man cells in 8 dayrooms with complete sight and sound separation between all classifications.
- A 32-bed capacity Intake facility with booking counter and Intake area fully observed by an elevated central control.
- The first dedicated mental health cellblock in a small jail in Indiana.
- A great deal of owner involvement assured that all goals were met.
Project Components
Tipton County Board of Commissioners
Tipton, Indiana
Project Roles:
Principal in Charge, Architect of Record, Lead Designer Security Specialist
Project Team:
Securitecture, LLC; Performance Services, Inc. as PDB
Key Accomplishments:
First Progressive Design-Build jail project in the state of Indiana; Successful Design-to-Budget process achieved or exceeded all programmatic requirements at the initial published budget.