Case Study | Corrections: Floyd County Jail Expansion and Renovation

Case Studies: Corrections

Floyd County

Jail Expansion + Renovation

After 20 years of use, the Floyd County Criminal Justice Center was continuously running at or over capacity; the intake, booking, medical, and storage areas needed expansion; and the mechanical and electrical were overdue for significant upgrades. Replacement of the landlocked facility was not feasible, so increasing bed capacity became a priority. Securitecture conducted a design study to determine the jail’s compliance with State Jail Standards and assess potential for a capacity increase, with a detailed analysis of square footage of all inmate housing cell blocks and dormitories, intake and booking areas, and inmate program areas. State of Indiana Jail Inspectors were brought in to confirm Securitecture’s approach and final recommendations. Securitecture reconfigured the intake and booking areas to increase capacity and add padded cells. Some underutilized Inmate program areas were converted to housing units, an outdoor recreation area was changed to indoor/outdoor use, and capacity of the kitchen and laundry areas were improved. Additionally, all detention doors, hardware, and security electronics were completely replaced and upgraded. All total, more than 100 beds were added to the capacity of the existing facility without adding any square footage, increasing the building’s life expectancy by at least 20 years through a cost-efficient renovation totaling less than $15,000,000.


Floyd County Board of Commissioners
New Albany, Indiana 

Project Roles:

Detention and Security Consultant, Feasibility Study Author 

Project Team:

Securitecture, LLCP; Michelle Allen Ritz Architects; James L. Shireman, Inc. CM

Key Accomplishments:

Added over 100 beds to the capacity of this landlocked facility without adding additional square footage during a comprehensive mechanical, electrical detention and security upgrade.